Monday, 29 March 2010

Foolproof Weight Loss Diet

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More and more people are turning to the diet pill for their weight loss program. What weight loss secrets do they use to get that way? Is it a diet, a diet pill, Weight Watchers, or what? It seems that if we could only get the inside information on the new celebrity weight loss program or weight loss pill, then we'd be almost guaranteed to experience fast weight loss of our own.

Fast weight loss is possible if we, under the supervision and approval of our doctor, combine a sensible diet with a diet pill or weight loss pill that is safe and effective. Among all diet pills, Phentermine being one of the oldest survivors in the category of weight loss drugs is still considered the most effective and cheapest making it one most popular diet pill. However, if the diet pills are used as per doctor's instructions, the drug is very much effective as a successful kick-starter for one's weight loss program and can yield results in a few weeks.

Finally, if you want to retain the weight loss you have achieved through Phentermine, you should follow an extensive weight loss program, which will consist of controlled diet program along with regular required exercise supplemented by the diet pills. Individuals using the diet free weight loss program results vary, because we all do not have the same body type or the same genetic make up. In choosing diet pills that will effectively promote weight loss, it is best to look for pills that have the ingredients that will enhance your body's metabolism, or the ability of the body to burn excess fats.

By AltecLP

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Friday, 26 March 2010

4 Strange Diets to Avoid

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Diet and weight loss ideas are all over the internet and other media's. There are some legitimate diet and weight loss programs. There are also some very strange diet and weight loss ideas. It has become clear that when battling the bulge some people will stop at nothing to lose weight. Here are a few of the strangest diet and weight loss ideas on the internet.

A lot of the new fad diets insist that you eat only one thing. The cabbage soup diets swears you can lose 10 pounds in a week if you can stomach eating cabbage soup and nothing else for an entire week. There are many variations of this diet that include everything from grapefruits to chicken soup. Eating only one item does not make for a healthy diet and weight loss program.

A new fad right now is the Jesus diet. There is no biblical justification for this diet. It basically proclaims that the followers of this diet and weight loss program eat only raw foods, not including meat, and fast at least one day per week. Plus you are only allowed two meals per day and each meal cannot go over 1-2 pounds. This diet isn't exactly unhealthy but maybe they figure if you have no energy you can't get to the food anyway. This is defiantly not a diet for anyone who wants to do anything but sleep.

Okay this one is not for the faint of heart. Famous women like opera singer Maria Callas and supermodel Claudia Schiffer are alleged to have tried the tape worm diet. Pills that contain tape worms are ingested. The tape worms live in the intestines and help consume the food you eat. You are always hungry but never gain weight no matter how much you eat. This one is defiantly not healthy and a little on the extreme side. Somehow eating worms for diet and weight loss just doesn't seem healthy.

Here's a diet and weight loss idea for those who really like breathing. The breatharian diet allows you to reach a higher spiritual plane where food is not necessary. No food is allowed ,only air. I guess no one ever told them man cannot live by air alone. Need I say this one is unhealthy and just completely off the wall.

The only healthy diet and weight loss program is watching what you eat and exercising. Following these strange and dangerous fad diets may help you lose weight but what happens when you eventually go off the diet, sometimes you end up gaining more than you lost. The whole idea of diet and weight loss is to be healthier, so why risk your health with fad diets that can often be dangerous.

By guyray

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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Does Cabbage Soup Diet Help You To Loss Weight

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If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time, you may have come across the Cabbage Soup Diet. This easy to follow diet is a radical weight loss diet which claims that the more low-calorie cabbage soup you take over a period of 7 days, the more weight you will lose. In fact, this diet claims that you will see drastic weight loss of about 10 pounds within 7 days.

As this diet is designed for short-term weight loss and requires no long-term commitment, it is little wonder that it has become one of the most popular diet around. Another reason for its popularity is that with cabbage, which has negligible calorie, as the main ingredient of this fat burning soup, you need not worry about spending too much money on it or gaining weight.

So Does This Diet Work?

This do-it-yourself diet claims that you can lose up to 10 pounds within a week. While that may be true, nutritional experts have pointed out that theweight loss is mainly due to water loss and not fat. They noted that it is quite impossible to lose that much fat within a week. Another point to note is that the loss of weight from this diet is temporary and hence you will probably gain back your weight soon after that.

Another point to note is that the original Cabbage Soup Diet tastes bland, hence many recipes for this diet has high salt content to make it palatable. For people who are not able to take such high sodium content, they should stay away from this diet. Dieters should should realize that there is practically no protein from this diet. As a result, people have reported feeling weak and light-headed during the course of the diet. One common reported side effect that result from the diet is flatulence. Hence, you should be prepared should you take up this diet. Of course, it is always advisable for you to consult your doctor before following this diet.

The fact is that Cabbage Soup Diet, although is a low-fat and high-fiber diet, is not a nutritionally balanced plan nor can it bring about permanent weight loss. With the emphasis on cabbage as a main ingredient, the diet lacks certain important vitamins and minerals. To follow this diet, you must also be prepared for the monotonous meals.

Personally I believe that this diet can be counter productive. Since the diet would force your body to go into slower metabolism, it would then encourage your body to hold on to your fat reserves. In the end, you may only be delaying your weight loss plan.

By nurturelab

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Friday, 19 March 2010

Choosing The Right Diet

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There are so many different diets around today that it can be intimidating to make a sound decision regarding which one is right for you when you feel it’s time to lose weight. Some diets emphasize low fat while others suggest that low calories are the best way to go. Other diets require you to cut out all forms of carbohydrates. One diet combines factors from at least two other well known diets with claims to produce an optimum fat burning weight loss program. There are also other diets that have circulated around the world for years with numerous success stories such as the cabbage soup diet, the pineapple juice diet and the cider vinegar diet. With all of these choices, how do you know which diet is right for you?

One of the most important factors you must consider is whether you will learn how to eat healthy and nutritionally. A number of different diets that offer incredible results do so through damaging nutritional methods. These fad diets encourage you to indulge in eating habits that can do more harm than good.

Many weight loss programs promise almost instantaneous results and you can achieve them only to come to the realization that you cannot stay on this diet for the rest of your life. You should be looking for a healthy weight loss and maintenance program, not a fast acting diet plan. Even though a low-calorie or liquid diet will allow you to initially lose some weight, you will find that your weight loss problems recur quicker than you would like and you may become depressed and find yourself a little worse off than when you began. To avoid these negative feelings, try to look for a weight loss program that can help you to achieve your long term goals on a permanent basis.

Many weight loss programs promise that you can reach your goals without exercising but it is not possible because a successful weight loss program consists of a healthy diet plan combined with a moderate exercise plan. The trick is to not go into your new routine with too many thoughts about the changes you are attempting to make. It seems that our minds have a way of doing the opposite of what we want when we think about things too much. Instead of thinking about your new diet and exercise routine, just ease into it and get it done. Your mind will adjust and soon your activities will become a new habit.

Please make sure to check with your physician before engaging in any weight loss program and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

By Guest

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Thursday, 18 March 2010

Hello World!!!

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Welcome to Weight Loss Diet blog... :)

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